1. The existance of carbon in a calcium is known by burning the compound. If the compound contain carbon, and burned perfectly will produce ...
A. oxygengas
B. carbon dioxide gas
C. carbon monoxide gas
D. limewater
E. lime sediment
2. Carbonic compound generally has a characteristic as ...
A. only to be synthesized by organism
B. the molecule has a carbonic atom chain
C. easily damaged by high temperature
D. the boiling and melting point are relatively low
E. easily dissolved in polar solvent
3. The character that makes atomic carbon has so many kinds of compound is ...
A. has 4 valence electrons which able to form covalent bond
B. able to form carbonic chain in many shapes
C. has instable electron configuration as like noble gas
D. the bonding space shape is tetrahedrone
E. is a stable solid in room temperature
4. the simplest hydrocarbon compound contains single carbon is ...
A. metane
B. metene
C. metune
D. carbonmonoxide
E. acetylene
5. the molecule formula for saturated hydrocarbon is ...
A. C3H4
B. C3H6
C. C4H6
D. C4H8
E. C4H10
6. In compound 2,3-dimethylpentane has first, secondary, tertiary carbon each as much as ...
A. 1,2,4
B. 2,1,4
C. 2,4,1
D. 4,1,2
E. 4,2,1
7. The following is not the character of homologous series ...
A. can be declared with certain formula
B. the boiling point increased as the length of the chain
C. has instable electron configuration as like noble gas
D. the bonding space shape is tetrahedrone
E. is a stable solid in room temperature
4. the simplest hydrocarbon compound contains single carbon is ...
A. metane
B. metene
C. metune
D. carbonmonoxide
E. acetylene
5. the molecule formula for saturated hydrocarbon is ...
A. C3H4
B. C3H6
C. C4H6
D. C4H8
E. C4H10
6. In compound 2,3-dimethylpentane has first, secondary, tertiary carbon each as much as ...
A. 1,2,4
B. 2,1,4
C. 2,4,1
D. 4,1,2
E. 4,2,1
7. The following is not the character of homologous series ...
A. can be declared with certain formula
B. the boiling point increased as the length of the chain
C. the members have similar chemical traits
D. has the same empiric formula
E. from one member to another differs by CH2
8. The number of isomers of alkanes with the formula C5H12 is ...
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
9. compounds CH3CH2CH2CH3 and (CH3)3CH are both ...
A. different members of the homologous series
B. saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons
C. isomeric
D. have the same physical and chemical properties
E. have the same boiling point
10. Consider the following hydrocarbon structure
ii. CH3CHCH2
iii. CH3CH2CH2CH3
iv. CH3CHC(CH3)CH3
The hydrocarbons that belong to the homologous series of alkanes are...
A. i and ii
B. i and iii
C. i ii and iii
D. ii and iv
E. iv only
11. The molecular structure showing the 2-methyl-2-butene isomer is...
16. Which of the following hydrocarbons is not an isomer of hexane?
A. 2,3-dimetilbutane
B. 2,2-dimetilpropane
C. 2,2-dimetilbutane
D. 2-metilpentane
E. 3-metilpentane
17. Which of the following compounds has the highest boiling point ...
D. CH3(CH2)3CH3
E. (CH3)2CHC(CH3)3
18. The general formula for an alkene homologous series is...
A. CnH2n-2
B. CnH2n-1
C. CnH2n+1
D. CnH2n
E. CnH2n+2
19. C6H12 is the molecular formula of...
A. heksane
B. pentene
C. heksene
D. heptune
E. pentene
20. The substance with the molecular formula C5H12 is...
A. 2,2-dimetilpropana
B. 2-metil-1-butena
C. 2-metilpropana
D. 2,3-dimetil-1-butena
E. normal butana
21. 3,4-dimethylpentane is an isomeric compound with...
A. normal heksena
B. 2-metilheksana
C. 2,5-dimetilheksana
D. 3-etilheksana
E. n-heksana
22. The IUPAC rules for naming hydrocarbons which incorrect is ..
A. 3-metilbutana
B. 2,2-dimetilpropana
C. 3-metil-3-etilheptana
D. n-pentana
E. 2-metil-2-butena
23. Which of the following hydrocarbon compounds has the lowest boiling point?
31. The most appropriate reagent to indicate the presence of unsaturated hydrocarbons is...
A. HCl catalis ZnCl2
B. Br2 in CCl4
C. Cl2 in sunlight
D. KOH in alcohol
E. AlCl3 in FeCl3
32. The main constituents of crude oil are compounds...
A. alkane dan alkene
B. hydrocarbon aromatic
C. sulfur
D. alkanatriol
E. sikloheksana
33. The fraction of petroleum used as fuel with a high octane number is...
A. cerosine
B. residue
C. solar
D. petrol
E. bitumen
34. The fraction of crude oil from multilevel distillation that has the lowest boiling point is...
C. petrol
D. asphalt
E. solar
35. Which of the following processes does not occur in the petroleum cracking process is...
A. polimerisation
B. carbon chain breakdown
C. acilation
D. reformation
E. extraction
36. Polymerization in the petroleum cracking process is a...
A. double bond formation
B. the joining of small molecules into large molecules
C. formation of alkyl from a saturated hydrocarbon
D. conversion of hydrocarbons to their isomers
E. the formation of new structures from various existing structures
37. the knocking process or knocking on the machine is caused by...
A. incomplete combustion of fuel
B. untimely burning of fuel
C. burning excess fuel so that it is not on time
D. vehicle ignition that is not good so it is not efficient
E. the process of machine wear due to excessive use
38. bensin standar dengan angka oktan 80 mempunyai komposisi ...
A. 80% isooktana dan 20% n-heptana
B. 80% n-heptana dan 20% isooktana
C. 80% oktana dan 20% n-heptana
D. 80% n-oktana dan 20% isooktana
E. 80% n-heksana dan 20% isooktana
39. Among the following structures, which describe the structure of isooctane are...
40. substances that are harmful to the environment due to the addition of TEL in gasoline are ...
A. lead particulate
B. CO carbon monoxide
C. nitric oxide
D. has the same empiric formula
E. from one member to another differs by CH2
8. The number of isomers of alkanes with the formula C5H12 is ...
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
9. compounds CH3CH2CH2CH3 and (CH3)3CH are both ...
A. different members of the homologous series
B. saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons
C. isomeric
D. have the same physical and chemical properties
E. have the same boiling point
10. Consider the following hydrocarbon structure
ii. CH3CHCH2
iii. CH3CH2CH2CH3
iv. CH3CHC(CH3)CH3
The hydrocarbons that belong to the homologous series of alkanes are...
A. i and ii
B. i and iii
C. i ii and iii
D. ii and iv
E. iv only
11. The molecular structure showing the 2-methyl-2-butene isomer is...
12. Which of the following is an incorrect hydrocarbon equation...
A. 2-metilbutane
B. 1,2-dimetilbutane
C. 3-etilpentane
D. 2,2,3-trimetilbutane
E. 3-metil-1-butene
13. Which of the following compounds is not an isomer of C5H10...
A. 2-metil-1-butene
B. 2-metil-2-butene
C. 2,2-dimetilpropane
D. 3-metil-1-butene
E. 2-pentene
14. Which of the following compounds is not a member of the alkene homologous series?
15. If the compound: CH2=CH-CH=CH2 is reacted with hydrogen gas with a catalyst until it no longer reacts, then the result is ...
A. etane dan metane
B. propene dan metane
C. butene
D. butune
E. butane
15. If the compound: CH2=CH-CH=CH2 is reacted with hydrogen gas with a catalyst until it no longer reacts, then the result is ...
A. etane dan metane
B. propene dan metane
C. butene
D. butune
E. butane
16. Which of the following hydrocarbons is not an isomer of hexane?
A. 2,3-dimetilbutane
B. 2,2-dimetilpropane
C. 2,2-dimetilbutane
D. 2-metilpentane
E. 3-metilpentane
17. Which of the following compounds has the highest boiling point ...
D. CH3(CH2)3CH3
E. (CH3)2CHC(CH3)3
18. The general formula for an alkene homologous series is...
A. CnH2n-2
B. CnH2n-1
C. CnH2n+1
D. CnH2n
E. CnH2n+2
19. C6H12 is the molecular formula of...
A. heksane
B. pentene
C. heksene
D. heptune
E. pentene
20. The substance with the molecular formula C5H12 is...
A. 2,2-dimetilpropana
B. 2-metil-1-butena
C. 2-metilpropana
D. 2,3-dimetil-1-butena
E. normal butana
21. 3,4-dimethylpentane is an isomeric compound with...
A. normal heksena
B. 2-metilheksana
C. 2,5-dimetilheksana
D. 3-etilheksana
E. n-heksana
22. The IUPAC rules for naming hydrocarbons which incorrect is ..
A. 3-metilbutana
B. 2,2-dimetilpropana
C. 3-metil-3-etilheptana
D. n-pentana
E. 2-metil-2-butena
23. Which of the following hydrocarbon compounds has the lowest boiling point?
A. n-heptana
B. 2-metilpentana
C. 2,3-dimetilpentana
D. n-oktana
E. 2,3,3-trimetilbutana
24. compound with the structure CH3-CH2-C(CH3)=CH-CH3
B. 2-metil-3-butena
C. 3-metilbutana
D. 3-metil-2-pentena
E. 3-metil-2-butena
25. Among the molecules below, the molecule that has single bonds, double bonds, and triple bonds is...
A. C4H3
B. C4H4
C. C4H5
D. C4H6
E. C4H8
26. The number of isomers of alkanes with the formula C4H10 is
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
27. The hydrocarbon gas produced from the reaction between calcium carbide and water is...
A. metana
B. etana
C. etena
D. etuna
E. propuna
28. The most product of the reaction between 1-butene and hydrogen chloride is...
A. 1-klorobutena
B. 2-klorobutena
D. 2-klorobutana
E. 2,2-diklorobutana
29. Which of the following compounds can have geometric isomers (cis-trans) ...
A. etena
B. propena
C. 1-butena
D. 2-butena
E. kloroetana
30. The product that cannot be obtained from the combustion of hydrocarbons is...
A. CO2
C. H2O
D. C
B. 2-metilpentana
C. 2,3-dimetilpentana
D. n-oktana
E. 2,3,3-trimetilbutana
24. compound with the structure CH3-CH2-C(CH3)=CH-CH3
According to IUPAC, it is named...
A. 3-metil-3-butenaB. 2-metil-3-butena
C. 3-metilbutana
D. 3-metil-2-pentena
E. 3-metil-2-butena
25. Among the molecules below, the molecule that has single bonds, double bonds, and triple bonds is...
A. C4H3
B. C4H4
C. C4H5
D. C4H6
E. C4H8
26. The number of isomers of alkanes with the formula C4H10 is
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
27. The hydrocarbon gas produced from the reaction between calcium carbide and water is...
A. metana
B. etana
C. etena
D. etuna
E. propuna
28. The most product of the reaction between 1-butene and hydrogen chloride is...
A. 1-klorobutena
B. 2-klorobutena
D. 2-klorobutana
E. 2,2-diklorobutana
29. Which of the following compounds can have geometric isomers (cis-trans) ...
A. etena
B. propena
C. 1-butena
D. 2-butena
E. kloroetana
30. The product that cannot be obtained from the combustion of hydrocarbons is...
A. CO2
C. H2O
D. C
31. The most appropriate reagent to indicate the presence of unsaturated hydrocarbons is...
A. HCl catalis ZnCl2
B. Br2 in CCl4
C. Cl2 in sunlight
D. KOH in alcohol
E. AlCl3 in FeCl3
32. The main constituents of crude oil are compounds...
A. alkane dan alkene
B. hydrocarbon aromatic
C. sulfur
D. alkanatriol
E. sikloheksana
33. The fraction of petroleum used as fuel with a high octane number is...
A. cerosine
B. residue
C. solar
D. petrol
E. bitumen
34. The fraction of crude oil from multilevel distillation that has the lowest boiling point is...
C. petrol
D. asphalt
E. solar
35. Which of the following processes does not occur in the petroleum cracking process is...
A. polimerisation
B. carbon chain breakdown
C. acilation
D. reformation
E. extraction
36. Polymerization in the petroleum cracking process is a...
A. double bond formation
B. the joining of small molecules into large molecules
C. formation of alkyl from a saturated hydrocarbon
D. conversion of hydrocarbons to their isomers
E. the formation of new structures from various existing structures
37. the knocking process or knocking on the machine is caused by...
A. incomplete combustion of fuel
B. untimely burning of fuel
C. burning excess fuel so that it is not on time
D. vehicle ignition that is not good so it is not efficient
E. the process of machine wear due to excessive use
38. bensin standar dengan angka oktan 80 mempunyai komposisi ...
A. 80% isooktana dan 20% n-heptana
B. 80% n-heptana dan 20% isooktana
C. 80% oktana dan 20% n-heptana
D. 80% n-oktana dan 20% isooktana
E. 80% n-heksana dan 20% isooktana
39. Among the following structures, which describe the structure of isooctane are...
40. substances that are harmful to the environment due to the addition of TEL in gasoline are ...
A. lead particulate
B. CO carbon monoxide
C. nitric oxide
D. sulfur oxide
E. CO2 carbon dioxide
41. Incomplete combustion of fuel produces gases that can poison hemoglobin. The gas in question is...
A. CO2 carbon dioxide
B. CO carbon monoxide
C. nitric oxide
D. sulfur oxide
E. lead particulate
42.The components that make up petroleum with a high percentage are...
A. saturated hydrocarbon
B. unsaturated hydrocarbons
C. sulfur compounds
D. aromatic hydrocarbons
E. nitrogen compounds
43. Which of the following statements about hydrocarbons is true...
A. all compounds containing carbon atoms
B. compounds that contain carbon and oxygen
C. all compounds containing hydrogen
D. compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen
E. compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
44. petroleum refining with long carbon chains can be broken down into short carbon chains. This method is known as...
A. addition
B. cracking
C. distillation
D. polimerisation
E. reduction
45. Complete combustion of carbon compounds will produce carbon dioxide gas. If this gas is passed into lime water, what is observed is...
A. lime water turns red
B. lime water turns blue
C. lime water turns white and cloudy
D. lime water will be dry
E. lime water gets hotter
46. Carbon atoms can form chains of carbon atoms. This is due to the characteristic properties of the carbon atom, namely...
A. can bond covalently to other carbon atoms
B. can form a variety of carbon chains
C. has 4 valence electrons
D. can form carbon chains with single bonds
E. has the molecular shape of a tetrahedron
47. which of the following is not a characteristic of carbon atoms
A. has four valence electrons that can be used to form covalent bonds
B. has the ability to form chains of carbon atoms
C. its four valence electrons can be used to form ionic bonds with other atoms
D. the covalent bonds of the four valence electrons form a tetrahedron molecule
E. can form single, double, and triple covalent bonds with other carbon atoms
E. CO2 carbon dioxide
41. Incomplete combustion of fuel produces gases that can poison hemoglobin. The gas in question is...
A. CO2 carbon dioxide
B. CO carbon monoxide
C. nitric oxide
D. sulfur oxide
E. lead particulate
42.The components that make up petroleum with a high percentage are...
A. saturated hydrocarbon
B. unsaturated hydrocarbons
C. sulfur compounds
D. aromatic hydrocarbons
E. nitrogen compounds
43. Which of the following statements about hydrocarbons is true...
A. all compounds containing carbon atoms
B. compounds that contain carbon and oxygen
C. all compounds containing hydrogen
D. compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen
E. compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
44. petroleum refining with long carbon chains can be broken down into short carbon chains. This method is known as...
A. addition
B. cracking
C. distillation
D. polimerisation
E. reduction
45. Complete combustion of carbon compounds will produce carbon dioxide gas. If this gas is passed into lime water, what is observed is...
A. lime water turns red
B. lime water turns blue
C. lime water turns white and cloudy
D. lime water will be dry
E. lime water gets hotter
46. Carbon atoms can form chains of carbon atoms. This is due to the characteristic properties of the carbon atom, namely...
A. can bond covalently to other carbon atoms
B. can form a variety of carbon chains
C. has 4 valence electrons
D. can form carbon chains with single bonds
E. has the molecular shape of a tetrahedron
47. which of the following is not a characteristic of carbon atoms
A. has four valence electrons that can be used to form covalent bonds
B. has the ability to form chains of carbon atoms
C. its four valence electrons can be used to form ionic bonds with other atoms
D. the covalent bonds of the four valence electrons form a tetrahedron molecule
E. can form single, double, and triple covalent bonds with other carbon atoms
48. Organic carbon compounds differ from inorganic carbon compounds in that...
A. inorganic carbon compounds are unstable on heating
B. The melting and boiling points of inorganic carbon compounds are generally low
C. Organic carbon compounds have a chain of carbon atoms
D. The bonds that occur in organic carbon compounds are ionic bonds
E. Carbon compounds can only be synthesized in living things
49. Hydrocarbon compounds are compounds whose constituent components consist of...
A. hydrogen, carbon and oxygen
B. hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen
C. hydrogen and nitrogen
D. hydrogen and carbon
E. carbon and nitrogen
50. The formula for homologous alkanes has the general formula...
A. Cn H2n+2
B. Cn H2n-2
C. Cn H2n+1
D. Cn H2n-1
E. Cn H2n
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