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Biology Worksheets and Answers SBMPTN 2016

1. The manufacture of food preservatives such as citric acid can be done by fermentation with the help of ....
A. Aspergillus fumigatus

B. Aspergillus flavus

C. Aspergillus niger

D. Aspergillus soyae

E. Aspergillus parasiticus

parasiticus = parasite, obviously wrong not nitric acid

soyae = soybeans, fermented soybeans, false.

niger = black, for citric acid fermentation.

falvus = make aflatoxin = deadly poison in tubers, for example: tubers that are stored for a long time can look toxic. Wrong.
fumigatus = fumigatus = give poison. Wrong.


The following statements about bamboo are true, except....

A. bamboo can reproduce vegetatively

B. bamboo can reproduce by seeds

C. bamboo is a flowering plant

D. unbranched stem ×

E. old rhizome branching


Bamboo can reproduce vegetatively, namely rhizomes (according to the picture)

Bamboo can reproduce by seeds

seedless: moss and nails only.

Seeds are divided into two open seeds and closed seeds. Closed seeds are divided into monocots and dicots. Bamboo is a monocot plant, can flower and seed.

3. Following are the functions of the zoo as an ex-situ conservation area for various types of fauna, except ....

A. object of study

B. place of introduction of exodus species

C. germplasm shelter

D. source of genetic diversity ×

E. attractions


exodus/exotic species = zoo,

germplasm = natural habitat

4. The following are the components of the trachea in insects, except ....

A) tracheal vessels

B. spiracle

C. tracheolus

D. stigma

E. ostium ×


ostium = closed circulatory system valve

insects = open circulation

stigma = spiracle


Plants that have a vascular structure like the picture above are....

A. Cocos nucifera

B. Carica papaya

C. Durio zibethinus

D. Mangifera indica E. Anona squamosa


image = monocot

Cocos nucifera = coconut (harder, more xylem)

Carica papaya = papaya (real monocot, softer stem)

Durio zibethinus = durian

Mangifera indica = mango

Anona squamosa

6. When the water that enters the roots has reached the xylem, the water will move to the crown by...

A. diffusion

B. simplas

C. apoplast

D. osmosis

E. mass flow


from the roots to the xylem (stem) enter symplast (enter through the cell wall of plasmodesmata) and

apoplast (enters through cells)

from the xylem to the leaf by osmosis, there are forces of adhesion and cohesion


Based on the picture above, the hormone that plays a role in the growth and development of the plant is....

A. ethylene, traumalin acid, and auxin

B. cytokinins, abscisic acid, and auxins

C. ethylene, abscisic acid, and gibberellins

D. Auxins, cytokinins, and gibberellins

E. cytotoxins, auxins, and ethylene


Abscisic Acid (ABA) = keeps seeds from sprouting (remaining seeds) when the environment is not supportive so they don't die

when the seeds come into contact with water, it will activate gibberellins, so that germination (from seeds to shoots)

shoots getting taller not sideways, maintaining apical dominance (upwards) = auxin

cytokinins = cell division

flower = auxin + cytokinin

kalin = elongate bantang

traumalin acid = appears when there is trauma (wound)

8. A mutation that replaces one purine base with another purine or a pyrimidine with another pyrimidine is called ....

A. translocation = muta

B. transversion

C. transition

D. insertion

E. inversion


translocation = chromosomal mutation, which changes

B. transversion = point mutation, purine (AG) to pyrimidine (CT)

C. transition = purine to purine, pyrimidine to pyrimidine

D. insert = insert, appear dna

E. inversion = reverse

9. Pay attention to the following statement!

(1) population size is quite large

(2) population is open

(3) occurrence of random mating

(4) the number of gene mutations in alleles varies

(5) the reproductive ability of each individual is the same

The combination that is in accordance with the conditions for the application of the Hardy-Weinberg law is ....

A. 1, 2, and 3

B. 1, 3, and 5

C. 1, 4, and 5

D. 2, 3, and 4

E. 3, 4, and 5


10. The following are correct structural and functional pairs of organelles, except....

A. microtubules → movement of spindle threads on chromosomes

B. vacuole → food storage

C. lysosomes → macromolecular hydrolysis site

D. D. smooth endoplasmic reticulum → site of protein synthesis x

E. Golgi bodies → glycosylation of protein chains


Smooth ER = fat synthesis

protein synthesis = in the cell nucleus has a genetic code / DNA is transcribed into mRNA, then translated at the ribosome into amino acid groups, then to become active proteins carried to the rough ER.

11. Plants absorb sulfur in the soil in the form of sulfides. X


Bacteria Desulfotomaculum sp. reduce sulfate to sulfide. ️


plants take in nutrients in the form of ions instead of sulfur etc

because the ionic form is soluble in water

the ion that dissolves in water is not sulfide (S^-2) but SO4^2- (sulfate)

Desulfotomaculum = desulfatization, reduction of sulfate to sulfite/sulfide

12. The villi of the digestive tract are composed of multi-layered columnar epithelium. X


The cylindrical epithelium helps the process of absorption of nutrients in the duodenum. ️


epithelial type:

squamous: flat/thin --> for exchange of blood/air, is in the alveoli and blood capillaries

layered flat --> if the wound can be replaced, it's in the mouth, skin

cube: thicker --> for secretion in the renal tubules,

layered cube --> excretory duct

columnar/column/cylindrical ---> absorb nutrients, exist in the intestines

layered columnar: thickest --> present in the urethra and vas diferens (excreting urine)

pseudo-coated cylinder: respiratory tract

13. The breakdown products of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats which will then enter the Krebs cycle stage in the respiration process are...

(1) glucose

(2) pyruvic acid

(3) citric acid

(4) acetyl co-A


glucose --> glycolysis to pyruvic acid + 2atp + 2nadh, pyruvic acid is oxidatively carboxylated to acetyl Co enzyme A + 2nadh/2fadh, acetyl CoA continues to krebs cycle/citric acid cycle to 6nadh 2fadh ATP, then 6nadh 2fadh taken for transport electron. 1nadh = 2.5 atp, 1fadh = 1.5 atp.

1 glucose molecule can produce 30 or 32 atp.

14. The following is a statement regarding the structure of DNA.

(1) the phosphate group is bonded to the first deoxyribose C5 atom

(2) nitrogenous base bonded to the C1 atom deoxyribose atom

(3) the phosphate group is bonded to the second deoxyribose C3 atom

(4) nitrogenous bases form hydrogen bonds

The correct statement regarding the structure of the double-stranded dinucleotide of DNA is indicated by the number ....

A. 1, 2, and 3

B. 1 and 3

C. 2 and 4

D. 4 only


15. The difference between animal cloning and in vitro fertilization is as follows....

(1) animal cloning uses somatic nucleus clones, while in vitro fertilization uses egg cell nuclei

(2) animal cloning is included in in vitro gene therapy, while in vitro fertilization is not X

(3) new individuals resulting from animal cloning are identical, while in vitro fertilization is different

(4) in vitro fertilization requires the recipient's uterus, while animal cloning does not require the recipient's uterus X


in vitro = fertilization occurs in a tube/cup

Animal cloning uses somatic cells and still uses the recipient's uterus

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